Sunday, July 13, 2008

Here's To Life

We all deserve to be appreciated.
You shouldn't have to beg for a backrub.
Tomorrow is never promised, nor is your next breath.
Depend on God in all you do.
Befriend strangers.
Give more than you receive.
Never settle. Unless you want to be unhappy.
Dont think the grass is greener on the other side.
Never throw away love that has been given to you.
Dont take anything or one for granted.
Enjoy the sun.
Thank God for the beauty around you.
When you feel God talking, listen.
Marriage is a lifelong thing.
Always give someone another chance.
Never let yourself second guess. Know its right.
Let people in.
Trust when you cant find the strength.
Love... like you've never been hurt.
Smile even when you're not happy.
Work your hardest everyday.
Make a good name for yourself.
Stand up for whats right.
Give to those in need.
Be a witness of your morals and faith.
Dance through lifes' obstacles.
Never believe something is impossible.
Celebrate the little things.
Dont judge.
Hold onto your family.
Be thankful.

Most importantly, be appreciative of everything both big and small! Life is a gift. So make the best of it.

Ha. Dont know what all that was about, but people frustrate me anymore... Soooo. Take it in.
