Thursday, February 7, 2013

These Are The Moments...

How do I start this? Where exactly do I begin? Well, after a few months of sitting, waiting, thinking, I’ve decided it’s time. Maybe this will end up kept to myself, maybe it’ll be enough to motivate one other person, or maybe this will hold me accountable. Regardless, here goes nothing… [Late is better than never, right?]
In December, I was thinking about different, meaningful “New Years Resolutions.” No, not those “I’ll change something for a few days or a week, then go right back to my old habits - even though, often, that’s the easiest way. So, obviously, going to the gym & eating healthy were NOT an option! Haha… Because my will power in that category has run all the way across the country. 
After so much thought I’d nearly given up, I was reminded of the numerous times I’ve spent “looking forward” to things, events, people, meetings, dates, etc. I can honestly say, I have probably thrown away entire weeks just waiting on that one thing to “make me happy.” Maybe this is absolute crazy talk, but I promise you… I’ve allowed this to be my life, my entire life. 
Not to say everything has been a waste, but often times, the things I have looked so forward to have been disappointing. Ya know… It didn’t all go as planned [Hm. You’d think I would have learned that life throws curve balls constantly before the age of 25 - Ha!], something else came up, or I didnt even get to do what I had originally intended. Why? What’s the point? Is that really ‘living’ for God?
If I honestly tallied up all the time spent hoping, wishing, and waiting in anticipation, I would truly be heartbroken by the moments I let slip me by. All the times I said “in a few months, I’ll be going home,” “right now, I need to clean before people come next week - so I cant,” or the “we are going on vacation… just 20 more days, now 19, now 18.” 
Don’t you think God intends for us to make the most of every single day we’ve been given, or better yet, make the most of every second? “Nothing is better for a man than that he should eat and drink, and that his soul should ENJOYgood IN his labor. This also, I saw, was from the hand of GOD.” [Ecclesiastes 2:24]
How many months have I wasted looking forward to a certain vacation, family visit, weekend home, or even just a day off… God doesn’t intend for us to only ‘really live’ on our two days off for the week or our two weeks of vacation for the year. Doesn’t He want us to ENJOY good IN our labor? Not just after, not just before, but even WHILE laboring? 
Now, I will say… 2013 has been better, but still a constant work in progress. Like I tell all my patients, “we will take improvement” because I’m taking baby steps in the right direction. 
Moral of the story, I don’t want to be the girl with regret, missed memories, time wasted. I want to be a witness in all areas - To be truly happy with EVERYTHING God has given me… Because it is ALL in our lives for a reason:friends, circumstances, family, obstacles, even trials and work! His TIMING truly is PERFECT. So, let’s start living like it!
“And WHATEVER you do, do it HEARTILY, as TO the LORD and not to men…” [Colossians 3:23] <—- I’ll be expanding on this powerful scripture later.