Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Light Shining Through ..::..::..

Waking up at 5:15am, is not something I want to think about until clinicals start in the Fall. Hahaha, but it looks like no matter what I feel on the subject, my body will do whatever it wants. Unfortunately, its summertime, and at this hour...the only thing I can do is run/workout, but Im hoping to fall back asleep, so thats not a current option. Hmmmm, I hate the feeling in my stomach right now. I wont go into details...but...well, enough said I guess. My momma says she wont let this happen again, but Im afraid this again this year, she has no control.

So, I decided random nights out are sometimes bad news. Hmmm, the other night was odd. I did have a good time at first, but then well, somethings I wish I could avoid at all costs, and cant seem to.

P.S. Im eating better. And have been for a few weeks. Well see how long it lasts, but I feel like I owe that much to "helping my mom out now". Making it easier on her, makes me feel so much better. And the walks and running help of course. But I really need to check into another gym membership. Im thinking 24 hour gym this time maybe?

Did you know that reading is one of the greatest things possible. Ive realized that my mind is able to escape from every possible thing in this world and get all wrapped up in a life far from my own. I think reading is the one time that I dont spend my every second worrying about other people. Haha. Im engrossed in something new and exciting. Im reading about a book every few days now [[And more time for the bible]]. Reading might be my number one love about summertime.

And, Im part of a prayer support team now. Thats exciting news. Nothing more rejuvenating than being a part of something so much bigger than myself and helping others! Another great thing, Ive made some amazing friends lately. A few from the end of the school year, but some others actually from back home. And one that well, I dont really know, but her prayer and support already means the world to me.

God is AMAZING. In times of needs, he always conquers. Last night at work, a resident said some comforting things when I was about to break and fall into pieces. She had no clue what was going on, but Im thinking she was my angel last night. Gave me strength when God told her just what I needed to hear. Plus, Ive felt God tugging on me sometimes lately, and when I act on it asap, I feel like Ive touched some just when they needed it most. Its a weird feeling, but youve gotta just go with it, and LET GOD!

...Please remember to be kind to everyone you meet for theyre fighting a battle you know nothing about...

Keep my family in your prayers. Please & thank you.

[[oh and of course, my heart still hurts more everyday...]]

-------> LOVE PICS <-------

(awe - my bff & me. yeah hes my fav & great & amazing. Kinda like ...all that and a bag of chips...)

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