Sunday, May 11, 2008

Home For Summer

Yay. Im home & this summer is my fresh start! I know that sounds so cliche, but I get some space and some freedom away from things dragging me down. Ya know that saying "let go of what kills you and hold onto what keeps you breathing.." Well, its something like that. And I guess thats how summer is going to be. :-) Horrray. I get to see some of my fav people ever! But then again, Im leaving too many back in Eville. Ugh. So, about every other weekend, Ill be there for sure. YES! And P.S. I have some of the cutest baby cousins in this world. AdOrAbLe! But, yesterday, was the last day in my grandparents house & it was impossible & final & everything I didnt want to deal with, but handled just fine i suppose. Anyway, its over & I really dont want to see movers in there on Tuesday. No thanks. But, this week is full of new things & appointments & excitements. Hahaha. (Oh, and maybe a visit from a new friend... )

So, lets make it great...

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